About Us
Since 2001, we've been providing unparalleled service in professional farm management and agricultural real estate.
Our clients are landowners and investors across the country who own agricultural properties throughout the South. Our excellent customer service sets us apart from other management firms and this quality, along with our education and experience, is the key ingredient to our success. We possess the understanding and ability to meet the needs of today's landowners and agricultural investors.
As Accredited Farm Managers, we understand the need for efficient production and profitable marketing. We are focused on procedures, analysis, critical thinking and problem solving, ensuring that an operation remains profitable and sustainable. As licensed real estate agents, we offer a full line of services to help you find and purchase land that suits your needs, whether you are looking for an investment, recreational property or just a piece of the world to call your own. If you are in the market to sell your property, Land Management Group, LLC can design a marketing plan to meet your needs.